7518 N 38th St.Milwaukee, WI 53209

5741 W Greentree Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

24hrs (Assisted Living Homes 3-4 beds and Cbrf 50 bed)

  • Don't hesitate to contact us, 414-852-0938 or Email us, CacheJames123@gmail.com
  • 10401 W Bradley RD Milwaukee WI 53224

Tag Archives: Healthy Aging


We Make Care Highly Accessible

Age often comes with conditions that can affect health, comfort, and safety, which is why high-grade and quality care services are crucial as you go through your golden years. And yes, quality care is, in fact, a necessity for seniors as it helps imp...

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Aging 101: How to Age like a Fine Wine

Aging is unavoidable and its signs will manifest over time. You can embrace and accept aging instead. After all, it is a natural course of life, and doing so will spare you from the stress of worrying about something that will eventually happen, maki...

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Strategies to Promote Good Hygiene in Seniors

Health and hygiene often go hand in hand. However, everyday tasks like bathing can become more difficult to manage with age. That is especially true for seniors facing mobility challenges and low energy. Hence, many seniors rely on personal and compa...

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Harvard: High-Fiber Diets Reduce Dementia Risk

According to the Harvard Medical School, a high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia. The study found that people who ate a low-fiber diet were more likely to have a higher prevalence of dementia. In contrast, those who ate a high-fi...

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A Positive Impact on Your Loved One’s Social Life

Isolation in old age can lead to negative physical and mental health outcomes, including increased risk of depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. It can also lead to decreased socializa...

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